An old man was brought into a coutroom. He was charged with stealing some bread. The judge asked him if he was guilty. The old man admitted that he was guilty, but he added, ''I stole the bread because i was hungry.'' The judge was a wise and kind man who loved people. He said to the man, ''Sir, I am in sympathy with you, but we cannot permit people to steal because they are hungry. You have brocken the law, and you will have to pay a fine or go to jail.'' The old man shook his head and said, ''I have no money.'' Then the judge did a wonderful thing. He took of his robes as a royal judge and laid them on a chair and went down to where the man was standing. Placing his hand on the man's shoulder, he said, ''As your judge I had to sentence you, but as your freind I want to pay your fine for you.'' The judge took money out of his own pocket and paid the man's fine.
That story is pretty cool, It's saying that we are sinners, And God is the judge, God loves us, Laid down his position as a jugde came to eath as a baby, and paid the price to set us free. It's pretty awsome.